
An electric kiln atmosphere rich in oxygen will make elements, kiln-sitters, and thermocouples last as long as possible. All the materials used in L&L kilns like to be in oxygen.
We have never subscribed to the idea that holes in the lid are a good idea for venting.


It is possible to convert a J230 manual kiln into a JD230 automatic kiln. 
All the elements will need to be replaced.  Why?  For example, the ohms on the JD2927 208 volt element circuits should be around 10.4.
Question: We are getting ready to move long distance and wondered how we can pack/box/crate our kilns so they are protected in transit. 
Setting up any of our kilns is very simple.
Change ElementsAll the elements will need to be replaced. For example the ohms on the J2927 208 volt element circuits should be around 10.4.
All the elements will need to be replaced. For example, the ohms on the J230 208 volt element circuits should be around 14.2.
This latch should be closed/used during firing of the kiln. We provide it because the lid is light enough with the spring hinge so that it could rise slightly during firing.


The e18S and e18S-3 have an amperage draw of 23.9 amps. It is possible to supply this with a 30 amp plug.
Question: The school district is looking to purchase a kiln (K-E-23T3/22, 11000W, 208v, 3phase, 40 amp).
For all Easy-Load kilns (except the EL3048): With the door all the way open the kiln will go through a 34-1/2" wide door.
We recommend that you install your kiln on a separate line coming out of your main electrical box. It should have its own circuit breaker or fused disconnect switch. See our
The following kilns can be ordered with 480 volts: DaVinci kilns including all Bell-Lift models. Jupiter 2900 (28" and 29" diameter) models.
Circuit BreakersCircuit breakers that have tripped and have been reset continually will be more apt to trip at a lower amperage than they are rated for.
The Kiln Sitter Tube assembly should stick into the kiln about 1". This will allow air to circulate around the cone and allow it to have a more accurate representation of the kiln temperature.
L&L's official recommendation is for an electrician to connect the kiln to power.
Click here for information on how to find out what voltage you have.
On most L&L Kilns this is very easy to do. It is a matter of re-distributing the wires between the kiln fuses or relays and the main powerblock inside the control box.
Remove the stand and the bottom.Put the kiln on a firm surface like a skid with a piece of plywood on it and put a 1" piece of styrofoam on the wood.Then put the kiln with th
There are two normal tension adjustments for the Easy-Lift Spring Hinge.
This consists of the main power cord, receptacle, powerblock, wire, and breakers. 
This is fine to do if you are careful. The only concern would be if you put the wrong elements in the kiln, or connected them to power incorrectly when you replace them. If
Yes - there is an installation checklist. See this page.
It is not normally cheaper to run kilns on three phase power vs single phase power. You still use the same amount of KW hours regardless of the phase of the power. In some a
Question: On the thermocouple terminal block of our Type S thermocouple, one screw is clearly labeled with a bright red ‘+’ and the other has a dark black ‘-‘.
The power supply cord originally supplied with K18 kilns is only a three-wire cord. The third wire is actually a "neutral" wire, not a ground wire.
The hinge piece that attaches to the lid has to "ears". These must go on the outside of the hinge piece that attaches to the body of the kiln. 
The discs are placed in the element holders to keep the elements from coming out during is a good idea to keep them in place during at least the first firing.Once
How much does a kiln top weigh? How much does a kiln section or ring weigh? weight top bottom ring section weights lifting
All L&L Kilns that are over 48 amps are direct wired. That means that there is a power connection block inside the control panel.
Is UL499 Listing Required?
Branch Fusing Included On High Powered UnitsAccording to the the National electrical Code electrical equipment needs branch fusing when the total amperage draw is higher than 48 amps.
220 volts, 3 phaseIf you have 220 volts and 3 phase power available, the kiln will come with a 3-wire powerblock for the 3 hot wires that give the 3 phase.
Basics When you are installing the circuit for your new kiln, it is important to use the correct type and thickness of wire.
See our great information on electricity and voltage.
Your kiln should be in a covered, enclosed space. Even if you live in a dry location, dew will form on the kiln if it is outside. A basement or garage is usually a good loca
If the kiln were 3 sections with wires running to N, L1, L2, and L3 all 3 amp readings (L1, L2, and L3) would be the same. On a 2 section kiln the wires run only to N, L1 and L2.


You can buy shelves and posts separately in any combination. You can substitute two half shelves for any one full shelf in any furniture kit. You can substitute one full she
Although it is possible to do this you would have to buy a new control panel for the kiln. The same is true for eQuad-Pro kilns.
Yes - the Quad element system features really large diameter elements and lots of element surface area. The OD of the element is almost 1/2" vs. a more typical 1/3" found in other brands.
The JD18, JD23 and JD2918 control panels all come with three-zone capability. Therefore you can easily add a section later to make the kiln into either a J18X, J230 or J2927. T
We do not make an automatic control to plug a manual kiln into. There is no way to easily zone such a system, although you could use the manual zone switches on an L&L kiln to co
A customer asks:What are the advantages of a powered bottom?Do the extra heating elements help the kiln get to temperature easier?I might have to make a choice betwe