How do I move a used kiln?

Question: We are getting ready to move long distances and wondered how we can pack/box/crate our kilns so they are protected in transit. 

Answer: The way we pack them in the factory would be rather difficult without specialized boxes and foam-in-place machines. We would suggest packing it on a wooden skid with 1" Styrofoam on the bottom and then in between each layer. Put the rings down first, then the top, and then using some styrofoam spacers, put the bottom on top of the top (the last thing at the top should be the kiln bottom slab). Then wrap everything tightly in stretch wrap (70 gauge is fine) so it is one integrated solid mass. Then strap the whole mass to the skid protecting the pressure of the strapping at the top with some wood. This assumes you are moving this in a moving van and not by common carrier - which would require much more packaging than what we are describing.