Error Codes: List of All Error Codes

Error codes for the DynaTrol

Note: Many of these error codes have an ‘Err’ prefix rather than an ‘E-‘ prefix on kilns manufactured before January 2006.

Here is a link to Bartlett's troubleshooting and video information.

Here is a link to Bartlett's information on connectivity problems for Genesis WIFI controls.

Errors are only detected when the error codes setting is turned ON:

  1. E-A (E-A, EA, ErA, Er A, or Error A) is the result of having too high a number programmed into one or more segments of the Vary-Fire program that you are trying to fire.

  2. E-d (E-d, ErrD, ED, ErD) – One of the thermocouples' temperatures is 50°F above the traveling set point.  (Also, see what it says under E- 9 below concerning the proper setting of thermocouple circuits)

  3. E-1 (E-1, Err1, E1, Er1) - Kiln temperature increases slower than 12°F per hour when ramping for 22.5 minutes.

  4. E- 2 (E-2, Err2, E2, Er2) - Kiln temperature 50°F above hold temperature (18 seconds).  If this is a cooling segment, try using a cooling rate of 400°F or 500°F rather than one that is faster.  Loose and overheated TC connections or wires, as well as old thermocouples, can also cause this issue. Sometimes, it happens on an empty kiln during the first test firing.

  5. E- 3 (E-3, Err3, E3, Er3) - Kiln temperature 50°F below hold temperature (18 seconds). Pretty rare. Usually seen when heat-treating metal and adding or removing parts at a higher temperature, heat-treaters typically turn the error codes off. Other causes:

    1. Extremely uneven loading or something touching a thermocouple could cause it.

    2. Ensure your shelves do not block heat transfer between the zones (stagger them if possible). Usually, E-1 will appear first from a slow-firing kiln, as the kiln will slow itself and not move into the hold until all the thermocouples are reasonably close to the hold temperature.

    3. Loose or overheated thermocouple connections or wires, as well as old thermocouples, can also cause this issue.

    4. It can also be caused by programming a ramp rate that is too fast for the kiln's capacity.

    5. Verify that relays are connected to the correct outputs.

    6. Verify that the thermocouples are connected to the correct inputs.

    7. This can happen when a relay fails to turn back on during a hold and the temp drops. If you check the Last Error status under the Data menu in the controller's menu, you can see which zone caused the issue if you scroll through the information and reach the bottom of the scroll. Replace the relays or relay for the zone with the problem.

  6. E-4 (E-4, Err4, E4, Er4) - Kiln temperature 50°F above the previous hold when ramping down (18 seconds). Try using a cooling rate of 400°F or 500°F rather than one that is faster. Loose and overheated thermocouple connections or wires, as well as old thermocouples, can also cause this issue.

  7. E-5 (E-5, Err5, E5, Er5) - Kiln temperature 50°F below the traveling set point when ramping down (18 seconds). Pretty rare.  Loose or overheated thermocouple connections, wires, or old thermocouples may cause this issue.

  8. E-6 (E-6, Err6, E6, Er6): Reversed thermocouple leads or a negative (very cold) temperature reading. If all the thermocouples are hooked up right, AND you are still getting negative readings, AND the Board Temp is reading negative too, replace the board (From IDLE, press OTHER again and again until it says “bdT,” press ENTER to see the board temp)

  9. RORROR is not an error code; it refers to the Rate of Rise and is often displayed with an E-1

Error codes are possible even when the error codes setting is turned OFF:

  1. E-20 (E-20, E20, Er20): Did not receive a lock on the Clock Generator Module - try again or replace the board.

  2. E-21 (E-21, E21, Er21): On-chip A2D (analog-to-digital) not responding. Try again or replace the board.

  3. E-22 (E-22, E22, Er22): Off-chip A2D (analog-to-digital) not responding/problem - same as E-6  on boards made after January 2006. With the display showing 'IDLE', press 1, 2, or 3 to identify which thermocouple is reading an odd value, either a very low or negative number. Check the thermocouple wires at their connection points to ensure that the red wire is connected to the “-“terminal and the yellow wire is connected to the “+” terminal. If everything appears to be in order, the problem is likely that the thermocouple itself is flipped over or reversed in the thermocouple connection block. Pull the thermocouple out of the kiln wall, remove it from the thermocouple connection block, flip it over, reconnect it to the thermocouple connection block, and reinstall it in the kiln wall. See this link for thermocouple polarity.

  4. E-23 (E-23, E23, Er23): SPI not responding. Try again or replace the board.

  5. E-24 (E-24, E-24, Er24): EE access while in the write cycle - try again or replace the board.

  6. E-25 (E-25, Er25, E25): a2d (analog-to-digital conversion) not responding during power-up. Try again or replace the board.

  7. E-26 (E-26, Er26, E26): Analog-to-digital conversion (a2d) is not working correctly. Try again or replace the board.

  8. E- E (E-E, EE): EE miscommunication or failure- try again or replace the board

  9. E-bd (Erbd):  Bad board temperature. It usually reads very high, like 300°F at room temperature. To check, press IDLE, then press OTHER repeatedly until it displays “bdT.” Press ENTER to view the board temperature.  This may indicate that there is excessive heat in your kiln room, particularly near the kiln. Try cooling the panel with a small fan or increasing ventilation in the room. Try firing again. Sometimes, this is an indication of a faulty board that needs to be replaced, especially if it is evident that the board temperature is not excessively high. Note that there is an "alarm" setting for this, which is factory-set to 250°F. This can be changed as one of the settings in the "hidden menu."

  10. E- /: Division by zero detected. Try again or replace the board.

  11. E- (Err-): Power loss during EE write - try again or replace the board.

  12. E-R (E-R, ErrR, ER): RAM and EE do not match - try again or replace the board.

  13. E-A (E-A, ErrA, EA): Invalid program variable - try again or replace the board.

  14. E-0 (E-0, Err0, E0): Software error - try again or replace the board.

  15. E-8 (E-8, Err8, E8): If the cone fire temperature decreases in the last segment, a relay or an element has just failed. Loose or overheated power wires or connections, as well as thermocouple connections or wires, or old thermocouples, can also cause this issue. Essentially, something has occurred that prevented the power from reaching one or more sections at the end of the firing.

  16. E-9 (E-9, Err9, E9): Incorrect thermocouple hardware/software setting- rare, typically only on boards made after January 2006. This means the thermocouple circuit type (S or K), the S or K jumper setting on the back of the board, and/or the internal menu S or K setting do not all match. Please start with the thermocouple circuit; ensure that the wires and thermocouples match, specifically determining whether they are S-type or K-type. Then, check the S-type or K-type jumper setting on the back of the board. (Located approximately in the center of the board, under the marking “R97”. The tiny black plastic-coated jumper only touches one of the prongs. It's set to K. If it's touching both prongs, it's set to S. Ensure the jumper setting matches the type of thermocouples used. Then, check the setting in the menu (from IDLE, press OTHER/4/4/3, then OTHER again until it reads TYPE). Press ENTER, and any number key will toggle it from K to S to K. Set it to the Type of thermocouple they have and press ENTER. Try rerunning it. If the issue persists, replace the board (this is rare, but it may be necessary). See this link for a photo and more.

  17. E- U (E-U): invalid user number - try again or replace the board

  18. FAIL alternating with TC1, TC2, or TC3: This indicates a failed thermocouple. The TC+ number indicates the position (TC1=top, TC2=middle, and TC3=bottom zone).

    1. (Pre-Jan ’06 boards often display this message when they are turned on; press ENTER to return them to IDLE.)

    2. If the code is a solid E-P, ErrP, or PF, it means a longer power outage; the program is off, and the kiln is cooling. Restarting is usually okay, except in complex, multiple-ramp programs.

    3. If it is a flashing E-P, ErrP, or PF, it means the program is still running and that the power was just lost for a few seconds.  If the power interruption is brief, the kiln will continue to fire when power is restored; in this case, there will be no indication of a power failure.  

    4. Press ENTER to clear the error code.

  19. PF, E-P (E-P), ErrP: Error in the power supply.

  20. TC--: The red and yellow thermocouple extension wires are reversed.

  21. L7KH (or something similar): This is not an error code. It is the software version in the control. It will flash briefly on the screen when you first turn the power on.

  22.  STUC (stuck) indicates a key is not releasing.  The outputs are turned off and stop firing if in progress.  It can be caused by moisture, stretched plastic due to age, or possible air bubbles under the overlay.  Sometimes, heating the area gently with a hair dryer can temporarily alleviate the problem.

  23. ROR - Not an error code. This stands for the Rate of Rise. You may encounter this issue in conjunction with an E-1 error code.


  1. Can you restart the kiln after an error code?
  2. What is the worst that can happen after starting up from an error code?
  3. How and Why to Turn Off Error Codes
  4. Error Codes for the One-Touch Control

Genesis Controller Error Codes


ERROR 0: Software error
Check the selected program and reprogram it if necessary. If the error persists or the program does not hold in memory, the controller may need to be returned to the factory for service.

ERROR 6: Problem with thermocouple leads
This typically indicates that the thermocouple is misconnected, possibly with the wires reversed. Ensure the thermocouple extension wires are connected correctly to the controller and at all connection blocks leading back to the thermocouple.

ERROR 8: In cone fire mode, temperature decreases in the last segment
Possible causes are broken elements or relay failure.

ERROR 9: Software thermocouple selection does not match the hardware thermocouple jumper selection
The jumper on the circuit board and the setting for thermocouple TYPE in the software do not match.

E--: Power loss during EE prom write
Turn the controller off and back on. Recheck the selected program and reprogram it if necessary.

ERROR 1: Kiln temperature increasing slower than 120F per hour when ramping up
This is a kiln heating problem, not a controller problem. Perform the Full Power Test to verify the functionality of elements and relays. Low or dropping voltage to the kiln could also be the cause. A thermocouple reading that is incorrectly or improperly placed may also be the cause.

ERROR 2: Kiln temperature 50F above hold temperature
A relay latched in the “on” position may cause this error. Another possible cause is if the kiln lid is opened for rapid cooling and then closed, as is often done during glass firings.

ERROR 3: Kiln temperature 50F below hold temperature
Relay failure.

ERROR 4: Kiln temperature 50F above the previous hold when ramping down
Same causes as for E-2.

ERROR 5: Kiln temperature is 50°F below the traveling set point when ramping down.
Relay failure.

ERROR D: Kiln temperature 50F above traveling set point
Stuck relay or stuck output. If using zone control, the outputs or T/Cs may be in the wrong zones.

Soft Watch Dog message: This indicates that the WiFi module has an issue and the controller needs to be replaced or repaired. You can continue to use the controller, but you will be unable to use the Kiln Aid App or update the controller's firmware until it is repaired or replaced.  You can disable WiFi in the meantime if necessary.