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KNOWLEDGEBASE & FAQSSpecifications & LiteratureOverviewThe Easy-Fire and School-Master kilns are very similar. The Easy-fire kilns are our flagship kiln series. Many thousands are installed around the world.
On the Easy-Fire e28T-3 kiln (and School-Master SM28T-3) you will find the cone rating is limited by the KW of the kiln.
There is an electrical code rule in the US that allows you to have any appliance that draws 48 amps or less not have what are called "branch fusing".
We invented them.
We have a design patent on them.
They are expensive.
It is one of the great value-added features of L&L kilns.
MiscellaneousYes. Click here for more information.
Yes - we can prepay and add freight charges to your invoice. Click here for more information.
L&L exports through both international distributors in some countries and directly where we do not have a distributor. See our list of international distributors. Orders
Click here to find out how L&L packs its kilns.
Talk to your local distributor. Call our factory for a shipping quote (if you are buying direct from the factory).
Call the factory (Toll Free:877-455-5456, Regular Phone:856-294-0077)
Fax the factory (856-294-0070)
Click here for information on how L&L ships kilns.
All kilns are shipped from our factory in Swedesboro, NJ (10 miles south of Philadelphia PA). Click here for more information.
Class 85 for kilns.Class 55 for parts.
Where to find an L&L Distributor.
All the buying options are listed here.
Used & Discontinued KilnsIt is very difficult to do this and we offer no support for it.
The Jupiter automatic kilns use the same basic kiln sections that made the J Series Econo-Kilns so popular and reliable.
The serial number is on a data nameplate affixed to the control panel.
Usually the last two digits (before any suffixes) are the year in which it was made.
We get asked this question a lot. We don't have any real way of knowing. A kiln, or any possession for that matter, is valued at whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
You can download almost all of our instructions (including those for older models) from
OperationThis question gets asked a lot around the holidays.
L&L's official line on cooling the kiln is leave it alone until it reaches 200F, then you can open it and unload it.
The controller can only tell you how many times a firing has been started since the kiln was brand new.
A customer writes:
The outlets are numbered on the side of the control box. In this example below all the outlets are assumed to be numbered 1-5 top to bottom, or 1-4 top to bottom or 1-3 top to bottom.
Remove the lid. Open it first to remove the spring-loaded connections to the front of the lid. Use two people to lower it.
Although this is not something that we have specifically tested for, the general answer is about 50 to 75 pounds per square foot of bottom surface area.
Very Important! Be sure that the adjustments on the kiln-sitter have been properly set. See the kiln-sitter manual for details.
Placing PostsPlace posts a few inches in from the edge of the shelf. Posts positioned on the shelf
We don't offer any coatings for elements. There is an ITC coating that some people claim to use with success.
The kiln will automatically shut off the program after the firing. If you do turn off the kiln with the on/off switch you can force it to shut down but you don't have to.
When in doubt it is almost always better to fire slower than faster. A slower firing allows for more time for water vapor, fumes and gasses to escape from the body of the clay body.
The first and easiest thing to do is to change the cycle time of the contactors.
Graded elements are one way kiln manufacturers adjust for the natural top to bottom temperature variations in a kiln.
Our DynaTrol automatic control with Dynamic Zone Control is the state of the art way to do this.
The only way to figure this out accurately is to have a kilowatt meter installed in the power supply line.
We include many firing tip brochures from Orton. For a more in depth explanation, Orton has a great book
Slow bisque is the safest to use and ensures a better firing to get out fumes and water vapors.The more carb
Tips, Cones, LogDistribute your load weight more evenly throughout the kiln or to match the kiln's firing characteristics.
Automatic kilns and even manual kilns shut off by the use of cones are never as accurate as the human eye. 99.999% of time this is fine.
Use cone packs in all sections (top, center, bottom) of the kiln and keep records of what happens.
MaintenanceYes - there is no problem putting a smaller element in a larger holder. Just be careful on the first firing so that the element doesn't come out of the holder while it is still "springy".
It is very common for kiln stands to rust. This happens from condensation in the air and possibly from moisture coming from the kiln bottom during bisque firings.
Use a drill bit with a diameter of 1/8" to 3/16"
To drill peepholes use a 1" diameter drill bit or hole saw.
See this link for an article in Clay Times by Stephen Lewicki, President of L&L Kiln Mfg.
Your Jupiter, DaVinci, or Doll kiln will have its elements either wired in parallel or wired in series.
Relays generally last around 200,000 cycles on average (roughly 18+ months depending on usage, firing temperature, and firing profile), but can fail long before or long after without any explanatio
That is a difficult question to answer, as the longevity of a kiln is based much more on how it is being used and maintained, rather than how old it is.
Question: I am about to run my first bisque firing in my new L&L kiln. I have coated the floor of the kiln for the test first fire along with the shelves that I put in for the firing.