
Kiln Cloth might be ceramic fiber paper
"I have a graduate student who is working with slip dip and burning out fabric. Can this be done safely in our L & L Electric kilns? Are there any concerns or dangers to the kiln? I am comfortable doing the burnout in our gas kilns, but she often has small works and wants to do just one small piece and it seems a waste of gas to fire up a gas kiln. She has done the burnout in her electric kilns at home, but since she moved here for graduate school, her kilns are not hooked up.
Replacement Controls may not match your kiln's configuration. Check before using!
Some people decide they need to fire their kiln unattended. Often this is at night.


I notice the temperature on the display is saying 121F. It's not 121 in the studio. An independent Pyrometer says 80F. There is no error message on display. Did I do something wrong?
One of the most difficult kiln performance problems to address is a problem with the electrical supply to the kiln.
An element connection can begin to glow if it is overheating. There are a few ways this can happen.
tC FAIL tC alternating with FAIL indicates the thermocouple has failed. Replace the defective thermocouple. To clear the error, press any key.
Even though you know the kiln is not that hot: this indicates a thermocouple failure.
Specifically this error code means that during a cooling segment in the programmed firing, one of the thermocouple temperatures is more than 50 degrees above the set point for longer than 1
To Toggle Error Codes On and Off
Err2 can only happen in a hold segment. One of the 3 temps has to be 50°F higher than the hold temp for this error to happen.
Flowchart for understanding how to fix Error 1, Err1, E-1
E-22 is the same as E-6. It means one of the thermocouple wires is connected backwards. Here is how to fix it:
Possible Reasons for E-5E- 5 errors read as "Err5" on controls manufactured before 2006
Note: E- d errors read as "Errd" on controls manufactured before 2006
The ErrP (PF, E- P, E-P in some older models) comes from a reset of the processor during a firing.
This is a list of all Error codes for the DynaTrol
This usually just means a thermocouple is broken.
Plug Peepholes in the kiln to prevent drafts.
A Relay May Be Stuck ShutAll computerized kilns use relays to cycle the power on and off to the kiln sections.
Usually this means a relay is stuck on and needs to be replaced.
The first thing to check is to make sure you are not putting on too thick a layer of glaze.
Sometimes with thick elements, especially in the corner of a DaVinci, Hercules or Easy-Load kiln, the elements will have a tendency to jump out or fall out of the corners. We do
Add Time to Hold PeriodAvailable only during a hold period. This option allows you to add time in 5 minute increments to a hold (soak) period.
Make sure the circuit breaker or fused disconnect switch is turned on.
The control fuse is normally located on the side of the control box.
Empty the kiln. Turn kiln on using a fast program such as FAST GLAZE (USr3) until elements are red.
Voltage coming from the control outputs should be 12 volts DC
Make sure the On/Off switch is turned on. Flip the toggle switch back and forth a few times.
This is the standard practice describing thermocouple polarity for Type K and Type S thermocouples that is used on L&L kilns.
Make sure power cord is plugged in. Reseat the plug. Pull it out of the receptacle and put it back it. This will reseat the connections.
Power relays are also mechanical switches that will wear out over time. Worn-out relays can be the cause of slow or incomplete firings, error codes (E-1, E-d), etc.
Carefully examine the thermocouple tip. This is the exposed welded joint at the end of the thermocouple.
Use a digital multimeter to check transformer operation.
Check your voltage at the receptacle or your fused disconnect box.
General troubleshooting ideas and tactics for troubleshooting a manual kiln
In some places the electrical power is very inconsistent with power outages, interruptions, blackouts, voltage spikes, voltage drops, or excessive environmental line noise (such as is caused by lar
Kiln Sitters in general First, download the appropriate kiln-sitter manual from L&L’s website- (PDF Library/ Controls and Thermocouples section.) Never let the kiln-sitt
Start by pressing 1,2,3 (or 1,2 on a two ring kiln).
Running a paper test is a great way to troubleshoot your kiln. With just some scraps of paper and 5 minutes you can determine if you have any elements or relays that need replacing.
LOOK IN THE HIDDEN OTHER MENU ON YOUR DYNATROL This menu contains the programmable settings for the rest of the features in the DynaTrol.
You can try to restart the kiln after getting an error code.Some messages, like flashing ErrP and FAIL, will not necessarily turn off the kiln.
Assuming that the loading is even and the TC offsets are set equally, uneven temps in the kiln can be a simple programmable setting issue:
Question: I do a controlled cooling to get even cooling rates. I've been using the User 6 program for the cooling cycle after using the Fast Glaze to fire up.
L&L element holders require no pins so the elements can expand over time on their own without bulging out between pins. However, sometimes elements do fall out of the holders sometimes.
Electrical NoiseExternalSometimes there is electrical "noise" in your incoming line. This is hard to see (except with an oscilloscope).
On an L&L manual kiln with INF switches the indicator pilot light
This is a rare error in the DynaTrol that indicates a problem with the memory chip.A typical scenario: