How to check the operation of a control transfomer on an L&L automatic kiln. Applies to all automatic kilns that are not 480 volts. The control transformer reduces the incoming line voltage from 240, 208 or 220 volts to 24 volts for the control and 12 volts for the relays.

  • See this page for 12 KVA control transformers used on kilns with three sections or less.
  • See this page for 30 KVA control transformers used on kilns with four or more sections.


    Change of Program During Firing: When firing you can alter the program anytime. You must press

    Change of Program During Firing: When firing you can alter the program anytime. You must press

    The type of thermocouple on a DynaTrol (with the Blue face) can be either Type K

    The type of thermocouple on a Genesis can be either Type K or Type S.

    Problem: You have a room ventilation system that is external to your kiln, and you want to turn

    Step-by-step instructions on how to create a custom program with an added delay on the Genesis

    In the Dynatrol reference manual under SOAK, it states “The control will soak at Final Set Point

    There are some differences between the 600 series DynaTrol board and the 700 series DynaTrol

    For your first firing, just do the following: You are going to split the first firing into two

  • Very Important! Be sure that the adjustments on the kiln-sitter have been properly set. See
  • Very Important: Be sure that the adjustments on the kiln-sitter have been properly set. See
  • Automatic kilns and even manual kilns shut off by the use of cones are never as accurate as the

    Occasionally some of the buttons on the keypad of the DynaTrol stop working.

    This is

  • Err2 can only happen in a hold segment.
  • One of the 3 temps has to be 50°F higher


    Although the steps below are comprehensive, in most cases,

    E-22 is the same as E-6. It means one of the thermocouple wires is connected backward.

    Possible Reasons for E-5

    E- 5 errors read as "Err5" on controls manufactured before 2006

    Note: E- d errors read as "Errd" on controls manufactured before 2006

    Basic Problem
  • The ErrP (PF, E- P, E-P in some older models) comes from a reset of the processor during
  • In some places, the electrical power is very inconsistent with power outages, interruptions,
  • It is possible random segments could be lit on the screen but if that happens (and it is very
  • The ultimate in precision firing is achieved by using the DynaTrol to control the ramping of the

    Sometimes the heat around a kiln can become too much for the standard DaVinci cord connections.<

  • Remove the stand and the bottom.
  • Put the kiln on a firm surface like a skid with a
  • This program is fine for slumping, tack fusing, or full fusing.  Just substitute

  • Turn on the kiln switch.
  • Wait to see IDLE, or press ENTER.
  • Choose a
  • Safety Warnings

    NOTE: If you are unsure about some part or procedure in creating or testing a

    Preheat Button
  • The Preheat feature can be used with the EASY-FIRE mode only.
  • Kiln Sitters in general
  • First, download the appropriate kiln-sitter manual from L&L’s
  • Dig it out of the wall carefully.
  • Use safety glasses and a Dremel to carefully
  • If you have a two-section kiln your control should be programmed for two zone instead of three

  • We don't offer any coatings for elements. There is an ITC coating that some people claim to
  • This is fine to do if you are careful.
  • The only concern would be if you put the
  • Error codes for the DynaTrol

    Note: Many of these error codes have an ‘Err’ prefix rather

  • Start by pressing 1,2,3 (or 1,2 on a two-ring kiln). Look for which thermocouple is lagging
  • Question: On the thermocouple terminal block of our Type S thermocouple, one screw is clearly

    Firebrick cracks as it is heated and cooled- it is to be expected. When the kiln is hot, all the

  • Normally it is best to have elements that are all the same age. That way it is easier for the

    This menu contains the programmable settings

  • When in doubt it is almost always better to fire slower than faster.
  • A slower
  • The power supply cord originally supplied with K18 kilns is only a three-wire cord. The third
  • The special tool we used to make for assembling Easy-Fire spring-loaded hinges is no longer
  • Change Elements
  • All the elements will need to be replaced.
  • For example, the
  • All the elements will need to be replaced. For example, the ohms on the J230 208-volt element

    For DynaTrols, Set PID at 65 (normally)

    Assuming that the loading is even and the TC offsets

  • The first and easiest thing to do is to change the cycle time of the contactors.
  • Question: I do a controlled cooling to get even cooling rates. I've been using the User 6 program

  • You may have been programming the cone number by pressing 000 first, then the 5 (or 1, 2, 3,
  • L&L element holders require no pins so the elements can expand over time on their own without