In this video, we will explain our recommended program for your kiln's first firing using an L&L kiln Dynatrol.

This is our new recommended program and supersedes our old program, which may still be present in your manual.

How to change cycle time for the contactors/relays on a DynaTrol. We typically recommend 25 second cycle time for most kilns firing ceramics that have mechanical relays or contactors.


These three videos show you how to use and program the One-Touch Intuitive Kiln Control. There are three segments - basic operation, basic programming of options and advanced ramp/hold programming.



Genesis Touch Screen Control Instruction Manual (Ver: 3-3-16)
Complete technical instructions for DynaTrol 700 (used from 4/2003 to 12/2005)
Complete technical instructions for the DynaTrol 700 Control (used from 1/2006 onward).
Complete technical instructions for DynaTrol (until 4/2003)
Basic operating instructions for all L&L kilns using a One-Touch™ control board. Written for Deg C users.
Basic operating instructions for all L&L kilns using a One-Touch™ control board. Written for Deg F users.
Used on Liberty-Belle & Doll kilns until 4/2010, used on Fuego & Robin kilns and glass kilns
This is the instruction manual for the new Orton Kiln Sitter
Instructions for the Bartlett 3K High Limit Control

How to create an account with Bartlett to access the phone app for the Genesis

Instructions for Dawson Kiln Sitter (Model LT3) used on Jupiter & Dura-Fire Manual kilns and most other L&L manual kilns
Instructions for Dawson Kiln Sitter (Model LT3-PK) used on Doll kilns and old K model kilns


Basic operating instructions for the DynaTrol 700 (used from 1/2006 onward)
Basic operating instructions for the DynaTrol 600 (used from 4/2003 to 12/2005)
Operation instructions for Liberty-Belle kilns with 3-button control (before April 2010)


For ideal firing results, thermocouples in each zone should be close regarding how far they

It is possible to convert a J230 manual kiln into a JD230 automatic kiln. 

What Parts

Question: I have several e28-T-3 kilns. I'm considering buying the Advancer kiln shelves made for

Sometimes when you press the Bisque or Glaze button on the One-Touch control you are not able to



  • Turn kiln ON with toggle switch
  • The temperature on the display is saying 121F. It's not 121 in the studio. An independent

  • If the controller is in the limit state (i.e. LMT flashing in the display), you must use the
  • Once the kiln is properly calibrated after the test firing, it will fire very reliably for many

    tC FAIL tC alternating with FAIL

    Indicates the thermocouple has failed. Replace the defective

    Even though you know the kiln is not that hot: this indicates a thermocouple failure.

  • Specifically this error code means that during a cooling segment in the programmed firing,
  • To Toggle Error Codes On and Off

    The OTHER button contains a menu that contains many of the

  • Err2 can only happen in a hold segment.
  • One of the 3 temps has to be 50°F higher


    Although the steps below are comprehensive, in most cases,

    E-22 is the same as E-6. It means one of the thermocouple wires is connected backward.

    Possible Reasons for E-5

    E- 5 errors read as "Err5" on controls manufactured before 2006

    Note: E- d errors read as "Errd" on controls manufactured before 2006

    Basic Problem
  • The ErrP (PF, E- P, E-P in some older models) comes from a reset of the processor during
  • Error codes for the DynaTrol

    Note: Many of these error codes have an ‘Err’ prefix rather

  • FAIL usually just means a thermocouple is broken. It will read FAIL,&nbsp
  • The few things to check

    Using the WiFi opens up new possibilities with the Genesis controller.

    Usually, this means a relay is stuck and needs to be replaced.

  • On 3-phase kilns,
  • When packed, the thermocouples on the Jupiter JD and DaVinci kilns are mounted to the kiln

  • The Kiln Sitter Tube assembly should stick into the kiln about 1". This will allow air to
  • There is an option to add time to the end of the program when you enter a program. Usually,
  • When to inspect the kiln sitter
  • Kiln-sitters need to be adjusted and inspected before the
  • There are three different ways to control the cooling rate on the DynaTrol.

    Method A

    On the DynaTrol you will need to use the Vary-Fire programming. On a Genesis use the Custom

  • The first thing to check is to make sure you are not putting on too thick a layer of glaze.<
  • L&L has used a lot of different style thermocouples over the years.


    This program is fine for slumping, tack fusing, or full fusing, just substitute different top

  • Turn on the kiln switch.
  • Press any key to clear ErrP from the display.
  • Press the Review button after the firing.
  • This only works on DynaTrols
  • A customer asks: I would like to program my kiln to heat to Cone 6 then cool normally to 950°F

    The DynaTrol or Genesis control can be programmed to fire to up to 2400° F or 1315° C. No special

    Relays generally last around 200,000 cycles on average (roughly 18+ months depending on

    Question: I am about to run my first bisque firing in my new L&L kiln. I have coated the

    To check the number of firings on a DynaTrol control:

    Press REVIEW PROG. The last items that

    Change of Program During Firing: When firing you can alter the program anytime. You must press

    Change of Program During Firing: When firing you can alter the program anytime. You must press

    The type of thermocouple on a DynaTrol (with the Blue face) can be either Type K

    The type of thermocouple on a Genesis can be either Type K or Type S.

    Problem: You have a room ventilation system that is external to your kiln, and you want to turn

    A customer asks if he can interlock his automatic kiln so that it will not fire unless his

    Step-by-step instructions on how to create a custom program with an added delay on the Genesis

    In the Dynatrol reference manual under SOAK, it states “The control will soak at Final Set Point