In this video, we will explain our recommended program for your kiln's first firing using an L&L kiln Dynatrol.

This is our new recommended program and supersedes our old program, which may still be present in your manual.

How to change cycle time for the contactors/relays on a DynaTrol. We typically recommend 25 second cycle time for most kilns firing ceramics that have mechanical relays or contactors.


These three videos show you how to use and program the One-Touch Intuitive Kiln Control. There are three segments - basic operation, basic programming of options and advanced ramp/hold programming.



Network Compatibility

Genesis controllers work best with WPA, WPA2, and WEP networks. The

Network Compatibility

Genesis controllers work best with WPA, WPA2, and WEP networks. The

General Information on Thermocouples
  • The pyrometers and all of the electronic kiln
  • Control
  • Our DynaTrol or Genesis control with Dynamic Zone Control is the state-of-the-art
  • Control
  • Our DynaTrol or Genesis control with Dynamic Zone Control is the state-of-the-art
  • This is a rare error in the DynaTrol that indicates a problem with the memory chip.


  • Make sure you have programmed the kiln properly and it is supposed to be
  • Programming
  • Make sure you have programmed the kiln properly and it is supposed to be
  • Check many of the same things in the above section on Automatic kilns - power supply, branch
  • If for some reason the thermocouple wires touch the hot kiln case, they may melt and fail.
  • A thermocouple (TC) is a temperature sensor. It reads the temperature in the kiln and gives
  • Similarity of Automatic Control Box with Manual Control Box
  • The similarities between the
  • E- A or Error A is the result of having too high a number programmed into one or more of the
  • After your kiln has fired press the REVIEW PROGRAM button. You will see, along with other
  • Incorrect loading
  • If your kiln is loaded unevenly it can cause the 3-zone control to slow
  • How the DynaTrol is Supposed to Work

    All of the DynaTrol or Genesis controlled L&L Kilns

  • FAIL usually just means a thermocouple is broken. It will read FAIL,&nbsp
  • Keep in mind that you run the risk of over-firing if you restart while the kiln is very close to

    Two Zone Kiln (2 sections)

    TC1 is the top and TC2 is the bottom.

    Three Zone Kiln (with
  • There is a glitch in User 2 program in the 3-button Bartlett.
  • Normally, there is
  • It is possible to confuse the Hold Time in the original program with the Hold Time for the
  • It is possible to confuse the Hold Time in the original program with the Hold Time for the
  • The work is overfired but there is no error code. Here are some things to look for:

    The work is overfired but there is no error code. Here are some things to look for:

    If your kiln underfires with no error code:

  • Cones placed wrongly in cone pack-
  • If your kiln underfires with no error code:

  • Cones placed wrongly in cone pack-
  • In order for temperature readouts to be close to each other, the two devices need to use the
  • Slow bisque is the safest to use and ensures a better firing to get out fumes and water