This firing problems support page offers a concise troubleshooting guide to help kiln operators identify and resolve common issues during the firing process. This resource is a valuable reference for understanding and efficiently addressing firing problems.

  1. Problem Identification: The guide emphasizes accurately identifying firing issues, such as uneven heat distribution, glaze defects, or incomplete firings.

  2. Potential Causes: It highlights various factors that can contribute to firing problems, including kiln temperature fluctuations, improper ventilation, inadequate kiln maintenance, or incorrect firing schedules.

  3. Solutions and Tips: The guides provide practical solutions and tips for firing problems. It covers topics such as adjusting kiln ventilation, loading properly, optimizing firing schedules, inspecting heating elements, or troubleshooting glaze application techniques.

  4. Safety Precautions: Safety measures remind operators to prioritize proper protective gear, kiln maintenance, and following manufacturer guidelines.

  5. Additional Support: The page offers other resources such as FAQs, customer support contact information, and access to technical manuals for further assistance.


This video shows you how to use witness cones to check the accuracy of the control and your kiln in an L&L Easy-Fire kiln. This video applies to any kiln.

This video goes into the principles of how to load an electric kiln. In this case it is an L&L Easy-fire e23T kiln.

For More Information
  • See this page for text.
  • Problems
  • See this for an error code you may get if you load too close to thermocouples or unevenly.
  • Placing Posts
  • Place posts a few inches in from the edge of the shelf. Posts positioned on the shelf edges tend to allow the shelves to warp sooner.
  • Use 3 posts per shelf, this will allow the shelf to sit without a wobble. Use 4 for heavier loads, especially on the very bottom. Using more than four posts may cause your shelves to crack or warp prematurely.
  • Always put the posts for the next shelf right on top of where the posts are holding up the shelf below. All the posts should be in a line from top to bottom.
  • Placing posts on their sides
  • From Jessica Putnam-Philips from Clayshare:

    Learn how and why it is so important to set the bottom kiln shelf correctly. With this simple tip you will prolong the life of your kiln, get better more even firings and better glaze results no matter what size your kiln is.


    Glass projects for glass and pottery kilns
    Suggestions for firing glass in a pottery kiln.
    Simple form for logging your firings
    This is a chart showing the temperatures and firing rates at which various cones bend.
    A series of practical tips for firing a kiln form Orton
    Description of the typical ceramic processes of bisquing and glazing
    This is a good description of how cones work and how they can help you fire your kiln better.
    How to troubleshoot firing problems using pyrometric cones
    General cautions for operating most L&L Kilns. These can be helpful for anyone using electric kilns.
    How to fire a manual kiln


    For ideal firing results, thermocouples in each zone should be close regarding how far they

    For ideal firing results, thermocouples in each zone should be close regarding how far they

    What is the recommended temperature to turn off the Vent-Sure kiln vent when firing glazes,

    This question gets asked a lot around the holidays. L&L's official line on cooling the kiln



  • Turn kiln ON with toggle switch
  • If the controller is in the limit state (i.e. LMT flashing in the display), you must use the
  • Once the kiln is properly calibrated after the test firing, it will fire very reliably for many

    Once the kiln is properly calibrated after the test firing, it will fire very reliably for many

  • Specifically this error code means that during a cooling segment in the programmed firing,
  • tC FAIL tC alternating with FAIL

    Indicates the thermocouple has failed. Replace the defective

    Why do elements in electric kilns fail? How can you save on kiln maintenance costs?


    Why do elements in electric kilns fail? How can you save on kiln maintenance costs?


  • There is an option to add time to the end of the program when you enter a program. Usually,
  • There is an option to add time to the end of the program when you enter a program. Usually,
  • There is an option to add time to the end of the program when you enter a program. Usually,
  • On the DynaTrol you will need to use the Vary-Fire programming. On a Genesis use the Custom

    On the DynaTrol you will need to use the Vary-Fire programming. On a Genesis use the Custom

    The outlets are numbered on the side of the control box. In this example below all the outlets

  • The first thing to check is to make sure you are not putting on too thick a layer of glaze.<
  • The first thing to check is to make sure you are not putting on too thick a layer of glaze.<

    Shelf Heights
  • The bottom shelf
  • This program is fine for slumping, tack fusing, or full fusing, just substitute different top

    A customer asks: I would like to program my kiln to heat to Cone 6 then cool normally to 950°F

    The DynaTrol or Genesis control can be programmed to fire to up to 2400° F or 1315° C. No special

    The DynaTrol or Genesis control can be programmed to fire to up to 2400° F or 1315° C. No special

    Change of Program During Firing: When firing you can alter the program anytime. You must press

    Change of Program During Firing: When firing you can alter the program anytime. You must press

    For your first firing, just do the following: You are going to split the first firing into two

  • Very Important! Be sure that the adjustments on the kiln-sitter have been properly set. See
  • Very Important: Be sure that the adjustments on the kiln-sitter have been properly set. See

    IMPORTANT NOTE: There are

    Automatic kilns and even manual kilns shut off by the use of cones are never as accurate as the

    Note: E- d errors read as "Errd" on controls manufactured before 2006

    Basic Problem
  • The ErrP (PF, E- P, E-P in some older models) comes from a reset of the processor during
  • In some places, the electrical power is very inconsistent with power outages, interruptions,
  • In some places, the electrical power is very inconsistent with power outages, interruptions,
  • The ultimate in precision firing is achieved by using the DynaTrol to control the ramping of the

  • Turn on the kiln switch.
  • Wait to see IDLE, or press ENTER.
  • Choose a
  • We don't offer any coatings for elements. There is an ITC coating that some people claim to

    This menu contains the programmable settings

  • When in doubt it is almost always better to fire slower than faster.
  • A slower
  • Question: I do a controlled cooling to get even cooling rates. I've been using the User 6 program

  • You may have been programming the cone number by pressing 000 first, then the 5 (or 1, 2, 3,
  • Electrical Noise External
  • Sometimes there is electrical "noise" in your incoming line.
  • Electrical Noise External
  • Sometimes there is electrical "noise" in your incoming line.

    A thermocouple offset adjusts the kiln’s perceived temperature to achieve