
K25 2-1/2" Thick Single Firebrick - Unit is 4-1/2" High and 9" Long. This is K25 brick used on JH models and other special kilns. Also used on the front edge of Hercules and Easy-Load kilns.


3" K25 Thick Single Firebrick - Unit is 4-1/2" High and 9" Long. This is K25 brick used on JH models and other special kilns. Also used on the front edge of Hercules and Easy-Load kilns.


3" Thick Single Firebrick - Unit is 4-1/2" High and 9" Long and can be used for any 3" Brick Kiln purposes. This is the standard brick used on most L&L kilns.


One gallon of K23 firebrick dust for use in repair purposes. Comes in four plastic quart jars.


One quart of K23 firebrick dust for use in repair purposes. Comes in a plastic jar with a screw-on lid.


One half pint of K23 firebrick dust for use in repair purposes. Comes in a plastic jar with a screw-on lid.


Includes the following

½ pint Primer Mix
½ pint Brick Dust
½ pint Brick Facing
½ pint Brick Cement
1 brick
Small Plastic Spatula
Small brush
1 rubber glove
1 small sponge



This is made from a K25 brick. Dimensions for the plug portion are 2-3/4" by 1-7/8" by 5-1/2" long and for the top portion are 2-1/2" by 2-1/2" by 4". 


One Gallon of Hi-Temp Cement - This is the same Hi-Temp Brick Cement used to cement Lids and Bases together during production. Comes in four plastic quart jars with screw-on lids.


One Quart of Hi-Temp Cement - This is the same Hi-Temp Brick Cement used to cement Lids and Bases together during production. Comes in a plastic jar with a screw-on lid.


1/2 Pint of Hi-Temp Cement - This is the same Hi-Temp Brick Cement used to cement Lids and Bases together during production. Comes in a plastic jar with a screw-on lid.


This is made from a K25 brick. Dimensions for the plug portion are 3-1/2" by 1-1/2" by 6" long and for the top portion are 2-1/2" by 4-1/4" by 4".