DLH11-D Test Kiln
Doll & Test Kiln
DLH11-D Test Kiln
Doll & Test Kiln
Small(0.5 cubic feet)
Genesis Mini Touchscreen Control
Cone 6, 2230F, 1220C
See Lead Times & Confirmation Process
Model DLH11-D Doll/Test Kiln with a Genesis Mini Touchscreen Controller. Kiln comes with hard ceramic element holders, a protected thermocouple, a strong solid-top stand, and a solid peephole plug. 11" Diam x 9" High (0.5 cu ft). 2-1/2" K23 brick. 120 volts, 18 amps. Cone 6. Includes NEMA 5-20 plug. C-MET-us listed in the USA & Canada.
NOTE: The 120-volt versions should not be used for high production (more than once a week) to their maximum temperature range - the element life will not be acceptable under those conditions. 208-volt and 240-volt versions are rated to Cone 10 under high production conditions.
Includes Genesis-Mini Touchscreen Control

- Part Number:
- Includes: Two 9" Full Round Shelves (3/8" thick) and Kit includes four each of 1/2", 1", 2", & 4" high 1-1/2" Square Ceramic Posts
- Price: