How to Change Thermocouple Type (Type S or Type K) on a Genesis

The type of thermocouple on a Genesis can be either Type K or Type S.

  1. You must have the appropriate thermocouples and lead wire to switch from one to the other; either Type K thermocouples and wire or Type S. See this link for more information.
  2. To begin, you must access the "TC-Type" menu to choose the appropriate thermocouple type.  
    1. Select the "Menu" button
    2. Next, select the "6-Factory Config." button
    3. Enter "443" and then select the "Save" button
    4. Then, select the "1-TC-Type" button
    5. Finally, choose the type of thermocouple that is appropriate for your kiln and save.
  3. For precaution, a small jumper must be moved on the circuit board when going from K to S. 
    1. The Type S jumper is located at the top left of the board about 1/2" down from the board's top edge and about 1" in from the left side.
    2. If the jumper is on only one of the prongs the control is set for Type K. If the jumper is on both of the two prongs the control is set for Type S.
  4. This precaution keeps you from accidentally having it set for K with S thermocouples or vise-versa.
  5. If there is a mismatch between the jumper setting and the software setting you will get an error code: ERR9.


CAUTION: (A severe overfiring can occur if you have the control programmed for a Type S thermocouple and you are using a type K thermocouple).

For DynaTrol control see this link.