Returning Parts

If you receive the wrong part because of our mistake

  1. Call us or email sales@hotkilns.com.
  2. We will work with you to determine if it is the wrong part for your kiln and what the correct part should be.
  3. If it is the wrong part then we will immediately send you the correct part.
  4. We will then issue a call tag for the return. (A call tag is a request for one of our carriers -UPS to pick up the package).
  5. All shipping expenses will be paid for by L&L.

If you ordered the wrong part by mistake

  1. Call us and let us know.
  2. We will put in an order for the correct part and bill you for the new order.
  3. When we get the old part back we will credit you less a restocking charge.
  4. Restocking charges vary by type of part. See each individual part page for details. In general, the restocking charge is 20% although in some cases it can be as high as 50%.
  5. Note that some parts are not returnable. That is mentioned per part on the individual part page.
  6. This applies only to goods sold directly by L&L to their customer. 
  7. Acceptance of returned items is contingent upon the Goods being packaged and crated to L&L’s sole satisfaction and any restocking charge will include all costs to refurbish damaged Goods.
  8. There is a 30-day limit on all returns.
  9. All shipping expenses are paid for by the customer.

See more concerning ordering parts.

See the link for further details: UPS RETURN PLUS SERVICE