50 Amp NEMA 6-50P Power Cord - Unit is a 72" Long Cord with a Three Prong Plug and is used with all Easy-Fire Kilns at any Voltage and 1 Phase Power, all J1800 & JD1800, J23 & JD23, and J230 & JD230 Kilns, and many other kilns at any Voltage and 1 Phase Power (Also used for retrofit on Older Econo J1400 Series Kilns).
Wires are 105 Deg C rated with two 6 gauge wires and one 8 gauge ground wire.
- Tips
If you want to direct wire your kiln to power supply, this power cord can be used by cutting the plug head off and separating the wires. A licensed electrician should be enlisted to cut the cord, strip the wires and wire the kiln to the power source.
- Ordering
- Part Number:
- Price:
- Lead Time:
One to Two Days
- Return Policy:
Part is returnable for a 25% restocking charge