How long does a kiln last?

That is a difficult question to answer, as the longevity of a kiln is based much more on how it is being used and maintained, rather than how old it is. Answer these questions for a better idea of the variables at hand and what to expect.

  1. What cone(s) do you fire up to?
  2. How many times a week do you fire?
  3. How many shelves do you use in a typical firing?
  4. Do you ever load ware past the edge of the shelf?
  5. Do you use a downdraft venting system with the kiln?
  6. How often is the kiln vacuumed out?
  7. How often are the stainless steel case tighteners tightened on the kiln rings and lid?
  8. Do you fire fast programs or slow programs?
  9. Do you hold or soak the kiln at the highest temps?
  10. What specifically is put in the kiln?
  11. Do you add organics to the clay or kiln?
  12. Do you use a lot of wax resist? Does it get hot in the kiln room ever?
  13. If so how hot? Is the air in the kiln room exhausted while the kiln fires?
  14. Is the kiln located near a large body of salt water?
  15. If you just need to put down a number of years and cannot find out all this stuff, a nice safe middle number is about 10 years.