What does it mean to direct wire a kiln? Is there a power cord?

  1. All L&L Kilns that are over 48 amps are directly wired.
  2. That means that there is a power connection block inside the control panel.
  3. You will need to have an electrician run a cable or wires in a conduit or flexible liquid-tight conduit from your power supply (circuit breaker panel or disconnect switch) into the kiln control panel.
  4. Because of all the possible variations, L&L does not provide any of the materials or cables for this.

Direct Wiring a Kiln instead of using the power cord

  1. It is possible, and some people prefer, to direct wire a kiln even though it comes supplied with a power cord.

  2. Doing this has the advantage of eliminating the connection at the receptacle.

  3. This will not affect the warranty as long as you use the recommended proper gauge wire to hook up the kiln.