Unpowered 4-1/2" High DaVinci Sections

DaVinci Blank ring

Unpowered DaVinci Sections

For increasing the height of DaVinci kilns

  • These rings are 4-1/2" high and can be put anywhere on the sectional DaVinci kilns.

  • They may affect kiln uniformity and heat up times.

  • See the Parts List, Unpowered Sections for ordering information or contact the factory for special pricing.

Name SKU Price
T2300 4.5" High Unpowered Section R-T-23BR/45 $720.00
T3400 4.5" High Unpowered Section R-T-34BR/45 $750.00
X2300 4.5" High Unpowered Section R-X-23BR/45 $545.00
X2800 4.5" High Unpowered Section R-X-28BR/45 $615.00
X3200 4.5" High Unpowered Section R-X-32BR/45 $695.00
X3209 9" High Unpowered Section R-X-32BR/90 $1,230.00