Solid State Relays

NEMA 1 panel with Solid State Relays

NEMA 1 panel with Solid State Relays

Solid State Relays

Solid State Relays make elements last longer

  • Solid State Relays are quiet and result in longer element life because the switching time is so fast the elements don’t heat and cool as much the way they will with regular mechanical contactors. The whole system includes heat sinks, a cooling fan, and extra safety relays.

  • It is possible to get this option with a High Limit Control as well and with our without Back-Up Contactors. Note that the photograph shows a NEMA 1 panel with 6 SSRs, the safety contactors, and the High Limit Control with its own set of backup contactors.

  • Panels with 6 circuits need to use the NEMA 1 panel (because of the size required to house all the components) even if the panel is not 480 volts.

  • The SSR option is available on the Easy-Fire, Easy-Fire XT, eQuad-Pro, Jupiter, JH Series, eFL Series.

  • The SSR option is included on Easy-Load, DaVinci, and Bell-Lift kilns.

Name SKU Price
SSR Option for 2-Circuit Panels L-X-SSRS/02 $1,575.00
SSR Option for 3-Circuit Panels L-X-SSRS/03 $2,085.00
SSR Option for 4-Circuit Panels L-X-SSRS/04 $2,510.00
SSR Option for 5-Circuit Panels L-X-SSRS/05 $2,965.00
SSR Option for 6-Circuit Panels L-X-SSRS/06 $3,365.00