Rolling Stand for 6 Sided Kiln

The universal Rolling Stand Leg Kit:

rolling stand leg kit


 rolling stand test kiln

rolling stand for 6 sided kiln test kiln doll kiln craft kiln

rolling stand for doll kiln test kiln craft kiln

Important caution plate is riveted to the stand:

Caution sign

Rolling Stand Kit for 6 Sided Kiln


  • Fully supports the entire kiln bottom (not just the edges)

  • Corrosion-resistant, heavy-gauge aluminized steel lasts longer

  • Guideposts to keep kiln centered - each size stand-top fitted for matching kiln models, legs are universal



Instructions for assembling the rolling stand.



  • Rolling stands are the same height from the floor to the top of the stand as our normal stands.
  • Rolling stands are only recommended for flat, level floors.