Large Polygonal Kilns
Specially Designed for Industry
L&L designs and builds custom polygonal kilns with 4-1/2" of firebrick. We can make almost any diameter and any height in multiples of 9" high sections. There are three elements per 9" high section. The base is made of welded angle-iron with leveling bolts. On top of this, typically, we put 4-1/2" of K23 brick. These are usually cemented in sections and then held together with a stainless-steel band. The top is typically made of 4" thick folded and formed ceramic fiber modules.
- The top is typically lifted off with an overhead crane or forklift but we have designs for pneumatically assisted lift-off and swing-away lids.
- Temperatures are limited to 2350°F.
- Below are photographs of some of the kilns we have built for our customers.
Please contact or call for a custom quote.
Model SP3845 and SP4854 at Superconducting Systems.
Model SP4354 which is 43" in diameter by 54" high. These kiln sections were made for an OEM and did not include a top or bottom.
Model SP3845 is 38" in diameter by 45" high. This photo shows the top and base.
Model SP3845 is 38" in diameter by 45" high. This photo shows the top open so you can see inside.
Model SP4854 48" diameter by 54" high Large Polygonal Kiln from above.
Model SP4854 is crated and ready for shipment.
Please contact or call for a custom quote.
For Artists and Industry
L&L designs and builds custom square and rectangular DaVinci kilns. Sizes are very flexible. The top is typically made of 4" thick ceramic fiber modules. The top is typically lifted off with an overhead crane or forklift but we have designs for pneumatically assisted lift-off and swing-away lids. Temperatures are limited to 2350°F.
Below is a rendering of how we make these now:

Alexander Brooke from the UK has this kiln and makes huge ceramic pieces in the kiln
Below are photographs of a large kiln we built for Brooke Pottery in England.
Model X4385 at Brooke Pottery - from top
Model X4385 from the front.
Another photo from the front
Photo from the inside
Here are the specifications for this kiln:
- 42" (1066mm) square by 85" (2150mm) high
- The kiln includes 9 heated sections that are each 9" high
- The kiln includes include one unheated section that is 4" high
- Kiln has 3" of brick
- Kiln has L&L ceramic element holders
- All sections and lid have two handles on either side (a total of 8 per section) plus galvannealed lifting rings on each section.
- The kiln includes a welded angle iron stand with leveling bolts
- The kiln includes a ceramic fiber module lift-off lid with a metal frame
- The kiln includes a separate control panel that mounts on the floor
- The kiln includes a DynaTrol zone control
- The kiln includes three type K thermocouples in ceramic protection tubes
- The Control panel consists of two of our control panels mounted together side by side with floor stands.
- 55,062 watts