Hi, I am trying to figure out the best way to place my kiln posts in my powered bottom kiln. While I have figured out a somewhat acceptable configuration that manages to avoid placing posts directly on top of the heating elements, it is not my ideal arrangement and won’t be as stable. I am wondering is it ok to place kiln posts directly over the heating elements in the powered bottom? Is this dangerous or problematic? I also have advancer kiln shelves so I worry that a post directly on top of a heating element may conduct heat more rapidly into the shelf and cause uneven heating and compromise the shelf. Does it make more sense for me to use a cordierite shelf for the bottom shelf if uneven heating is a major issue? Does it make more sense for me to just use the slightly less stable (but probably stable enough) post configuration where no posts are directly on top of a heating element? Thank you you for your continued support, I know that’s a lot of questions.
I would worry that you might overheat the element if the post was directly on top of the element.
I see nothing wrong with the advancer shelves as your first layer but your testing and firing will tell you the story. They do transmit heat better than cordierite shelves. Also, they are lighter and that will help you load your mass more evenly.